Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Chocolate Sunblock


That's right I said it. Chocolate Sunblock. You can eat Raw Organic chocolate, lots of it, and it will protect you from the sun. The tan is also included with that protecting. It even works for fair skin! Nathan's skin is so much whiter than mine. Im naturally olived skinned so I don't burn unless I go out all day with no protection on my first day back at the beach for the season.
     Inside the fruit of the Cacao bean/pod are two types of chocolate, white chocolate and dark chocolate. The difference is HUGE. The white chocolate is called cacao butter. It is more commonly known as cocoa butter. The name is changed from cacao to cocoa due to the refining and processing of the butter by corporations. After cacao is heated over 115 degrees it loses all of its enzymes and mineral qualities. Without those raw and fresh antioxidants your eating empty calories. Dark Chocolate on the other hand is known as cacao beans or nibs. They are packed full of all the minerals and enzymes that cause you to release serotonin and antioxidants that shield you from the sun from your skin. Cacao beans or nibs block the sun and help you tan slowly. Cacao butter, white chocolate, helps you tan stronger and faster (and burn most the time, like tanning oil). So you have two choices!
     Now, whichever you choose has unique options. If you decide to use cacao butter you can melt it over a candle in a glass bowl, then apply to the skin. It will be the same familiar consistency of tanning oil, it is like SPF 4 and you will smell like chocolate. If you choose the cacao beans, (SPF 40+ depending on consumption) then I suggest buying the powder and nibs and make cacao milk or chocolate milk. Do NOT use cow milk. They will cancel out each other. Buy some almond, coconut, or hemp milk that is unsweetened and unenriched. Then add cacao powder and a sweetener of choice. I like honey and maple syrup. Then blend it in a blender and finish it off with a sprinkle of cacao nibs on top. There you go! Sunblock in a cup!
     Cacao also makes you live longer. So make sure to eat some everyday! There is actually a study by Harvard that recorded the life span of cacao consumers vs. no cacao. The real raw chocolate consumers lived longer. No wonder the aztecs used cacao as money. It is pretty magical.
**Please be careful with consumption if you have Candida or any sensitivities to Caffeine.

I also have recipes of cacao treats you can eat on the beach so if you want to eat it all day! Click here for the recipes!

Where can I buy some Organic Non-GMO Cacao!?!?!?

You can find cacao at your nearest health food store or online right here! Check it out! Enjoy! Make SURE it says Criollo Arriba Cacao.

Cacao Powder:

Live Long & Prosper!
Love & Light!

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