Hey World,
So, almost a year ago I woke up from a deep sleep that I had been living in for 19 years. I realized I wasn't Living to the fullest. I woke up to realize you cant just trust corporate companies, grocery stores, or the FDA. Which was life changing and lead me on a journey to find the purest sources of energy. When I say pure I mean 100 percent natural, organic, or wild. I am all about real food.
In the process of all of this I have lost friends who think being healthy is lame. Which is okay with me. All I want is positive energy. But when I started this journey it wasn't as positive as it is now. I was angry and confused. My whole life the food I had enjoyed even things that I thought were natural were lies. I was excited though because I was enlightened.
It all started in New Orleans, Louisiana. My boyfriend and I were living in an apartment together and once a week we would go to the library and rent 12 DVDs. The library in New Orleans is the best thing standing since after Katrina if you ask me. Anyways, this library had an amazing selection of DVDs from documentaries, to comedies, to foreign films, to how to videos. That library changed my life and helped shape my knowledge.
One day I was in the documentary section and I rented three DVDs that changed my life that week. Two of the three DVDs were a set called Raw For Life and the other DVD was called Ayurveda: Art of Being. These documentaries blew me away. By clicking on the links above you can get a preview of what I mean. Basically, Raw For Life explains how the modern SAD (standard american diet) has us all dumbed down and numb. It explains what real food is and what it does. The second DVD for Raw For Life is about a group of diabetics, type I and II, who reverse their dis-ease with real raw food from mother earth. All of the food they make is amazing! They have some amazing cacao desserts too on there! yummy!
So, the second documentary Ayurveda: Art of Being pretty much opened my eyes to realize that every illness or dis-ease is able to be cured. Those illnesses or dis-eases can be cured from natural herbs, oils, and super foods. In Ayurveda they do not practice surgery the same as western American medicine. Instead of cutting open the skin they douse the skin in potent herbal oils for long amounts of time. Ayurveda works with the earth and the universe to heal the sick in the most natural way possible. It is all beautiful and interesting! Please check it out!
Anything Is Possible.
Love & Light!
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