Welcome to my page of How To: Delicious and Nutritious desserts!!!! These raw vegan desserts not only give you a Huge boost of energy they also satisfy your sweet tooth. Mmmmmm! So anyways I will be adding recipes on here as often as possible. If you have any suggestions, questions, or comments please email me. My email is located under my profile. Thanks for stopping by and Enjoy!
Recipe #1
Raw Vegan Cacao Fudge Balls!
Things you will need:
- Food Processor of a Blender
- 1/2 cup almonds
- 1/2 cup cashews
- 1/4 cup coconut oil
- 1/2 cup cacao powder
- 2 handfuls of cacao nibs
- 1/2 cup Honey
***You can add any other fruit like kiwi, goji berries, blueberries, strawberries, whatever you want! Be Creative & Unique!
Okay so this recipe is very sweet & simple! This recipe makes 20-25 Cacao fudge balls depending on what size you roll them out. All of the ingredients in either a food processor or blender and pulse it until the mixture has a dough consistency. Then take one spoonful out at a time and roll in the cacao powder. After you have rolled the balls all out you can either place them in a freezer for an hour for a quick result or refrigerate them overnight. Enjoy!
Check out my youtube channel HERE for a tutorial and some random facts on how nutritious all of these ingredients truly are!
Recipe #2
Raw Vegan Beet Burgers:

- 3 medium beets
- 4 Tbs sesame tahini or italian almond butter or raw hemp butter
- 3 teasp Nama Shoyu
- 1/3 cup pumpkin seeds
- 1/3 cup sunflower seeds
- 1/3 cup sesame seeds
- 1 teasp cayenne powder
- 2 garlic cloves
- any other ingredients you would like to experiment with.
Okay, so to make these you need a blender or food processor. First, you chop up your beets and cut off the leaves and clean them off. Next, put your chunks in the food processor and add your choice of nut butter, nama shoyu, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, cayenne powder, and garlic cloves. Process all those ingredients together until your mix is the consistency of ground beef.
Once you have the beet mix then prepare your toppings. I like to put mine on millet bread with sprouts, tomato, onion, ketchup, and mustard. Now, you can either have the beet beef completely raw like this picture or you can grill it on low on the stove with a little oil. It is all up to how you want it. Sometimes I am too lazy to grill the beet beef so I just toast my bread. Enjoy!
Recipe #3
Raw Vegan York Peppermint Patties!

- 1/4 cup Coconut Shreds
- 1 cup Cashews
- 1/4 cup coconut oil
- 2-3 tbs honey/maple syrup/stevia/xylitol (your choice)
- 2 tsp peppermint oil
- pinch of salt
Chocolate outer-layer:
- 1/4 cup coconut oil
- 1/3 cup cacao
- 5 tbs honey/maple syrup/stevia/xylitol (your choice)
- pinch of salt
- pinch of cinnamon**
Facts**Cinnamon helps prevent your blood platelets from clumping when they shouldn't be. Also known as an anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial! Cinnamon also helps a body with type II diabetes absorb their insulin at a better absorption rate. This action normalizes blood sugar. Cinnamon is a beautiful source of calcium, iron, manganese, and dietary fiber. Cinnamon is so unique. It can be found in the bible during the Egyptian period. It was highly treasured being used as a medicine, an embalming supplies, and beverage flavoring.

Okay, so how do you make these Delicious & Nutritious Peppermint Patties? Wait, did she say Nutritious? Yes, they are healthy! The truth is you can have your cake and eat it too. But, how are these little patties healthy?
First consider the ingredients. They are all natural, organic, and from a plant based energy source that it sustainable.
Chocolate is a plant?!
Yes, chocolate is actually a tree. The name of a chocolate fruit of the tree is called Cacao. It sounds like cah-cow. Other people are familiar with it by the term Cocoa. This is pronounced co-co. Cocoa is actually the same plant. But, after corporations like hershey, take cacao and heat it up past 118 degrees. Then they mix it with pasteurized milk and sugar. Then preservatives are added and we the people overlook them because we want to trust big business corporations. They're human too right? But, some humans care more about money than their bodies and miss this little detail.
Once the Cacao has been heated over 118 degrees all of the fruits enzymes are no longer living. The enzymes in the plant is what holds all the minerals that used to be like gold to the aztecs. The aztecs actually used Cacao as their money! That is how prized it is. Anyways, the cacao plant carried the largest amounts of antioxidants compared to any other food in the world, no lie. Cacao carries the three minerals that most humans are deficient in. These minerals are Iron, Magnesium, and Chromium.
In conclusion, only buy raw organic Cacao powder, nibs, or beans! Sweeten it yourself with your choice of sugar depending on what state your body is in and what it will process. You can do anything. If there is a will, there is a way!
Back to the recipe.

Process all the ingredients for the patties in the processor until it is an oily dough mass of chunky deliciousness. You may add more coconut. I was low so I upped the recipe on cashews. But, they taste just as yummy. Coconut is a lean fat that helps make your muscles tone and lean. After the mix is all processed into an oily dough, take a teaspoon and scoop out a little balls like cookie dough and press them onto wax paper. Depending on what size you make them you can yield different amounts of patties.
After you have your patties pressed out stick them in the freezer for 30-40 minutes.
Now, for the Cacao syrup!

Okay so this is simple and addictive. Put all the ingredients for the cacao sauce in the food processor and pulse it. Taste and sweeten as you go to get your desired blend. You may need to add water if it becomes too whipped. After you get it a nice consistency, pour it into a nice glass jar.
Since the sauce contains coconut oil, you will not need to refrigerate it. If you do it will become a solid.
I personally leave my patties in the freezer for a few days and eat them over that period of time. I leave my cacao sauce in a dark glass jar and then when i want a patty I pull one out of the freezer and dip it in the chocolate. Since there is coconut oil in the patties and the cacao sauce, the cacao sauce starts to harden once it touches the frozen patty.
You can coat them in chocolate sauce and let them freeze for 30 more minutes and have them just like york patties fresh out of the freezer!
Recipe #4
Sprout, Avocado, & Sweet Potato Sushi!:
- Organic Sweet Potato
- Sprouts of your choice
- Organic Avocado
- Nori Paper
- Bamboo Rolling Mat
- Nama Shoyu (organic fermented soy sauce, a natural probiotic, with no MSG!)
Okay so this recipe is SUPER easy, SUPER Nutritious, and SUPER delicious! First start off buy cutting up one third of a big sweet potato. Cut it up into small pieces or strips and cook it in any oil you choose for 20min in the oven on 375-400 degrees.
While the taters are cooking prepare your Nori paper on top of the bamboo rolling mat. Also, prepare your avocado into slices.
After the potatos are cooked all the way through pull them out of the oven and let them cool. While they are cooling start laying out sprouts across 1/3 of the nori paper. Have a glass of water next to you for sealing the roll of the Nori. You will roll up the sushi halfway and wet the top half of the Nori paper by dipping your hand in water and swiping it across the top half. The Nori paper will become sticky, then roll up the sushi all the way tight like the picture below.
Then after 30 seconds unravel the wrap and wah-lah! Now you have a Sushi Roll! Now, all you need to do is cut the sushi and prepare your dipping sauce. Enjoy!!
Nom Nom Nommmmm :-p