Saturday, August 11, 2012

Vaccinations Linked To Autism

     Vaccines may have decreased catching a disease but rates of autism have shot up 1000% since the year 1990. So, wait, how did these shots cause this? Well, vaccines contain a preservative chemical called Thimermosal. Thimerosal contains over 50 percent mercury. How does mercury harm a baby? When a baby or toddler is at a young age their blood brain barrier has not been completely completed growing until after 4 years of age. When mercury is injected into the blood stream, the mercury goes straight to the brain. Since the blood brain barrier has not successfully completed growing, the mercury deposits in the child's brain and creates most forms of autism.
    Thimermosal has been removed from many children vaccines but many vaccines still contain it that children do require. Donald Trump is also a part of the association for autism awareness and spoke on vaccines. Trump believes, "monster vaccinations cause Autism." Donald Trump has also stated, "I couldn't care less. I've seen people where they have a perfectly healthy child, and they go for the vaccinations and a month later the child is no longer healthy." To read more on how Donald Trump feels on this subject check out this amazing website Natural News.

     It is disappointing to know our government does not look into how products affect our children's bodies or even ours. The FDA gives away approval to unjust companies if they have a lot of money. The system has become very corrupt and it has gotten out of hand. We should be working together towards health, which is in all honesty, free. You cannot make a profit off health unless you really are not healing. Hence the pharmaceuticals. But this does not mean that YOU do not have a voice or a vote. Every time you buy a product you are voting for their company. Make sure you know what is in your food, medicine, and water. Don't forget to help raise autism awareness! Share this link to spread to truth.

Have a beautiful day!

Love & Light


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